Advice For Rhinoplasty Surgery Aftercare
Rhinoplasty is a form of surgery that has a pretty high degree of satisfaction level. However, it has a long healing period and calls for the ultimate patience if you undergo this procedure. In this read, we are going to cover important things to keep in mind during your first week after surgery to make sure you’re recovering quickly.
An important thing to keep in mind is that you should never assess your results in the first and second week. You may notice an instant reduction in size as well as angular profile changes, but there will be a considerable amount of hidden internal swelling and bruising to the nasal tip and upper bridge that requires a few weeks to reduce.
Comprehensive Guide to Rhinoplasty Surgery Aftercare
General Anaesthesia
You were administered general anaesthesia as part of your procedure, and it’s not uncommon for it to cause sickness or nausea while at the hospital. The chances of it being present after being dismissed are few, but the anaesthesia will still be in your body, which may make you feel slightly sleepy and tired.
Movements and Activity
Rest as much as you can right after getting home and make sure any movement or activity is at an absolute minimum. The person taking care of you the first day after surgery can assist by:
- Helping you remove your shoes and change clothes. This is to prevent bleeding, which happens when you bend your head forward.
- When on the bed, try and stay in your resting position. The person looking after you can bring water, beverages, food, etc., to make sure you’re not getting up and lying down every now and then. This is to ideally prevent the possibility of nasal bleeding and dizziness.
Drinking and Eating
For the first 24 hours, drink two litres of water. Any juices and soft drinks are fine to take at room temperature. However, you’ll want to avoid taking hot beverages for the first 72 hours as they can stimulate the sinus and lead to bleeding. You can take coffee or tea at a cooler temperature during the first three days after the procedure.
As for food, avoid eating spicy food for the first week. Hot food can lead to the production of additional mucus around your nose, which forms into a crusty residue that can be very uncomfortable.
On the first night after rhinoplasty, go for easy to chew food like chicken, fish and pasta. Avoid food that needs persistent chewing to breakdown. Also, you’ll want to stay away from gum for the first week.
The Meds
It’s imperative to take all meds given to you after surgery. More often than not, you will be given:
- Codeine or Paracetamol which help control ant slight pain or pain. Take two tablets every four hours.
- Ibuprofen which helps with any inflammation or swelling. You should take 400mg every six hours with food.
If you’re on any other prescription meds, continue to take them as per physician directions. As for dietary products, supplements and vitamins, you can resume to take them 24 hours after the procedure.
For most if not all patients, sleeping for the first night is uncomfortable as many are used to sleeping on their side. It is vital that you sleep on your back with the head elevated slightly for the first seven nights. This is to ascertain proper circulation, which fastens the healing process.
However, if you find yourself sleeping on your side, make sure that you’re elevated higher with a double pillow to prevent your nose from touching the pillow.
Handling Bleeding
Bleeding will be the most common after-effect, and most of it will happen in the initial two days. It’s common to have the odd slight nose bleed for the first seven days, so do not be overly concerned.
Bleeding happens due to the formation of new skin and healing of the internal incisions made during surgery. It can ideally be remaining from the procedure which usually appears darker. Bleeding can occur for up to 45 minutes without halting, so do not be too worried it happens for that long. During the first several days, it’s advisable to allow it to discharge into the padding under the nose.
Bruising and Swelling
These are other common experienced after undergoing rhinoplasty. The soft skin tissue found near your eyes is prone to bruising and swelling, so don’t be too surprised.
- If you’ve bruised immediately after rhinoplasty, chances are you will recover faster.
- If it starts after a day, there’s an increased chance that you’ll have delayed recovery and the swelling or bruising may continue up to 24 hours longer.
- If you have a little swelling and bruising after two days, there is a likelihood that you may not bruise at all and may recover quickly.
Bruising areas tend to vary. It can happen in the lower eye bag region, and in some cases, the upper eyelid. Swelling and bruising cannot be predicted correctly as every person’s defence to trauma varies. As such, you may recover slower or faster than an individual you know who underwent a similar procedure.
Tips For Recovery From Swelling or Bruising
-You can consider taking Arnica tablets which are an alternative supplement for treating bruising. They can be taken before and after the procedure.
-You can use ice packs after going home from the procedure. They are ideal for freezing the nasal or eye area that’s swelling. However, never apply them on the nose itself as this can lead to undesirable results. Always use ice packs around eyes or to the forehead.
-It is essential that you continue taking ibuprofen to keep the bruising or swelling to a minimum. In some situations, the doctor may give you stronger anti-inflammatory tablets to help ease swelling during your seven-day post-operative appointment.
So there you have it, a few tips you should know when it comes to rhinoplasty aftercare. Remember to be patient as noticeable results tend to appear several weeks after the procedure.